Biotechnology engineer examining plant of corn for disease.

Less digestibility observed in plant-based protein pet food with minimal processing

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Biotechnology engineer examining plant of corn for disease.

High temperatures can degrade amino acids present in animal-based protein sources used for pet food, while plant-based proteins tend to become more digestible after cooking – this difference becomes increasingly relevant as minimally processed pet foods gain traction in popularity. James Templeman, Ph.D. of Primal Pet Foods’ nutritionist spoke at Petfood Essentials Kansas City on May 1 to explain this distinction between plant and animal proteins used in pet food products.

Scientists have observed that adding unprocessed proteins from plants such as legumes can have a negative impact on digestibility for both dogs and cats, according to experts. This effect results from saccharide content of plant proteins as well as antinutritional factors like trypsin inhibitors present.

“One advantage of extrusion processing is its ability to increase and improve digestibility of these ingredients,” Templeman noted.

Minimally processed pet diets don’t undergo the same degree of thermal processing. Fresh or frozen pet foods that include high plant proteins could end up having lower relative protein concentration levels than more heavily processed versions.

Plant proteins that have not been heat processed contain many antinutritional factors that impede digestibility, including trypsin inhibitors, phytases, and oligosaccharides that will compromise overall digestibility, according to Mr. Pau. However, heating processed plant proteins will almost completely eliminate those factors and may even result in the gelatinization of starches present within it.

He explained: “With proper heat processing of plant proteins, one can achieve quite significant benefits to digestion.”

As both plant-based diets and minimal processing become increasingly popular among pet owners, pet food manufacturers must take both trends into account when developing pet food products.

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